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This is a great game but the move controls were horrible. The jump delay was insufferable. Really cool concept. I enjoyed the levels I managed to play, but at times it felt like a frustrating platformer more than a puzzle game.


Cool concept, but the jumping delay was horrible, so bad in fact that I couldn't even pass the second level after 10 minutes of trying (I know, skill issue).

(1 edit)

Thanks for your review. Yes, you are the second person to complain about the "smoth" jump xd.


cool game


1. I like the art style

2. cool gameplay mechanic

3. seems like a cool story


1. player controller (sucks)

2. jump is delayed causing you to fall off A LOT

3. movement is TOO fast

4. players get out of sync a lot (level 2)

5. end points are hard to tell witch one is witch

6. soft locks (level 2)


1. make the jump, jump instantly

2. stop players from getting out of sync (better level design)

3. slow the movement down

4. maybe invert the end point colors

(pro tip: play test :D)


Good Game : Recommend :D

(also yea godot is SLOW when it comes to running in the web build)

Thank you a lot for the review, we appreciate it a lot since it gives us experience to improve <3! About “bad things” 1, 2 and 3, we really didn't notice how the movement was annoying and fast. Maybe we got used to it by the time we finished doing it and didn't do anything about it. About the jump, we did it because we thought the levels weren't big enough, and having a jump button which lets you jump instantly felt like it was “easy”, so we added the delay as an added difficulty. Possibly it was too much since many players have complained, and we could've chosen a better alternative. 

About 6, we really didn't notice the soft lock, perhaps the last minute changes messed up the code, we apologize :(.  About 4, we planned on making that the distance where the characters ended up after the jumps and the spikes were the same, but the map didn't let us do it, so we left it like it is now. 

About 5, I honestly don't see what you mean. If you see this message, could you please elaborate so we can see what's wrong? 

Again, thanks a lot for commenting, it really helps!

Thank you very much for your review, we really liked that it is so organized. The jump is there to add difficulty because the game, at times, I think, becomes extremely easy. Regarding the play test, we didn't have much time but we still tested it a lot and it never passed. When the jam is over we will review it, thank you. Regarding the player controller, it is the default of godot XD, next time I will edit it thanks.

no prob :D